Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tin Concepts 2: Portraits

Portraits of James and Jill.
Needed a basic idea of what I wanted for the characters and so there you go.  The backgrounds are just photoshop treated paintings of Justin Bua (an amazing painter. check him out)  and it really helped inspire me for the initial mood of the piece.  I was also trying to test out possible color pallets for the more exaggerated sections of the film. 

And of course you need a sad version.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Better Late than Never - Tell that to my wife - Your wife's dead - Tum Tum

Zombie Cop!!!

Inspired by conversations with awesome individuals about the future of the cop drama.  "Law and BrAAAiNnnssses" was also tossed around.  Tum Tum 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

First Official Post! (of course it's late)

A glimpse of France.  Thanks to my travelling companies, I started drawing again on my trip.  While we were in a famous museum I can't remember the name of (internet tells me that it was the Orsey), I did some sketches to pass the time.  

The sculpture was Ugolin by Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux and I loved it. 
I could have spent all day drawing that thing. Honestly, I didn't get to see much of the museum because of it.

Oh and a foot.